Ylva Back Pad

  • bsi
  • vca
  • trl
  • vti

Suitable for children 6-12 years old

Designed to protect the head and neck of children as they grow taller, the Ylva backpad clips onto the back of the Ylva headrest to provide additional support as the height is adjusted. 


The Ylva backpad is made of ABS and trimmed in an automotive cloth to provide comfort and protection for your children’s heads. 

The backpad is only needed once your child’s head reaches above the back of the Multimac and there is a big enough gap between the headrest and the top of the multimac.


Only compatible with Ylva headrests purchased after June 2018.

Ylva Back pad

Safety fitted as standard

Ylva backpacks and headrests are crash tested with the Multimac at VTI in Sweden for children between the ages of 6 and 12.

We’re fully approved to European regulation ECE 44-04 and greatly exceed all crash test requirements.

Read more here